
DeCordova Museum


DeCordova sculpture park & Museum

The DeCordova Sculpture Park and Museum entry courtyard completes the entry drive experience and provides an animated outdoor room at the main museum entrance.

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As project manager and lead designer at Halvorson Design Partnership, Stephanie Hubbard guided the first phase roadway re-alignment and second phase courtyard design for the museum. The linear vocabulary of the main entry stairs and walls reflect the building alignment, and contrasting radial forms define seating and gathering spaces that transition to the sculpture park beyond. Curves are sliced by linear forms, knitting the vocabulary of building and landscape. This project received a 2007 design award from the Boston Society of Landscape Architects.

"Many thanks for all your splendid work, attention to every detail, and follow through to assure a stunning project result."
— Paul Master-Karnik, Museum Director